Npc rank

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Common NPCs

The NPCs are divided into 5 main ranks for each faction with an additional "training" tier (T0) on the alpha islands. These ranks reflect the potential danger of engaging a robot and the possible loot that can be obtained from destroying it. The higher the rank, the higher the risk and reward.

But since NPCs differ in several aspects, it is not always a given that a T3 NPC robot will always be easier than a T4 NPC robot.

Tier Numiqol Pelestial Thelodica Industrial
T0 Zero star Exile Apprentice Rusty
T1 1st star Servant Rookie Copper
T2 2nd star Patrician Warrior Iron
T3 3rd star Arbiter Veteran Bronze
T4 4th star Hero Elite Silver
T5 5th star Overlord Supreme Gold

Two additional NPC classes, so called elite and observer, also exist.


The following table gives an overview of the elite NPC prefixes for each faction.

Numiqol Pelestial Thelodica
Darkstar Mighty Rabid

These rare NPCs have a chance to drop better than normal loot.


Observers are more powerful than any other NPCs. On Alpha islands you will encounter grand observers which reflect T4 equipped robots with maximized extensions. On Beta and Gamma islands superior observer can be found. These robots have a higher level of skill than T4 equipped robots with maximized extensions.


NPCs robots use their racial weapons and are weak to their opposite faction's weapons. The table below details the damage they deal and which type of damage they are weak to.

Numiqol Pelestial Thelodica Industrial
Weak To Thermal Kinetic Seismic Chemical
Deals Kinetic Seismic Thermal None