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Recognizing the impressive success of the Nuimqol Arbalest, Thelodica quickly adopted the assault platform with its own design: the Baphomet. While not as swift as a Nuimqol platform, it boasts an armament that would make a Union bot cringe. The Baphomet represents the Thelodican ideal of combat perfectly: move swiftly, strike hard, and fade away.


CPU performance 235 TF
Baphomet ~ Assault Combat
Maximum targets 4 pcs
Locking range 200 m
Locking time 12.5 sec
Sensor strength 100 Hw^(3)
Ammunition reload time 10 sec
Armor 1200 HP
Accumulator capacity 570 AP
Accumulator recharge time 180 sec
Reactor performance 235 RP
Chemical resistance 30 Points
Seismic resistance 10 Points
Kinetic resistance 150 Points
Thermal resistance 45 Points
Surface hit radius 4.00 m
Missile guidance failure 10%
Passable slope 51°
Top speed 73 km/h